Beginers | Advanced | The rules are very simple to this game.
It's still in development but it's been doing it's job so far!

Here goes nuttin':

  • first you get yourself a copy of Big Brother double CD 'The Blank Years'
  • then find a CD player (one with a random play button is preferable)
  • insert one of the CD's or both if you got one of those fun CD players
  • press random play and now the fun begins

    1. Once a song starts playing you must take a drink for every 30 seconds of that song and must complete drinking within the songs length (punishment for not doing so can be decided prior to the start of the game)

    2. If a song is under 30 seconds long you get to hand out a drink to anyone involved

    3. You may notice that there are a few songs which have more than one part to them eg. the go-go beach collection. If one of these songs comes on then the first person to call out the complete correct name of the song gets to hand out drinks for every part of that certain collection (watch out for 'Stitches 12')

    4. Everytime 'I am all done' is played everyone must drink (we usually sing along too)

    5. When ever 'Naith Lip Ance Hit' whoevers turn it is, that person must get up and do there best dancin' to that song

    6. If 'We're Beating Up Joey Jo Joe' comes on it becomes a game of tag and the last person toucked has to drink

    7. Get drunk!

    Big Brother's Big Book of Drinking Games!

    Game Number 2: Crazy Calvin the Corn Boy!


    • At least one copy of "The Blank Years" double cd by Big Brother.
    • At least 3 people are required, more are recommended.
    • Enough beverages of choice to last the evening for everyone who will be involved.
    • A cd player with random play, a multidisc player is recommended.


    For the purpose of simplicity, we will refer to a sip of your drink as a drink. Dishing out a drink means that you may force anyone who is playing (including yourself) to take a sip of their drink. All drinks that have been dished out must be drunk by the end of the current song. Failure to do so results in a punishment that can be determined by the group. Having to go get the next round is a common one.


    There are 2 people with control in this game- Leroy and Crazy Calvin the Corn Boy. Their duties are outlined below.


    Play begins when everyone is seated comfortably with a drink and within earshot of the cd player. The person who owns the cd can decide who starts as Leroy. The last person seated and ready to play, or joins mid-game automatically becomes Crazy Calvin the Corn Boy, and is in charge of the case for the cd. That person starts the random play process on the cd player. Someone CANNOT be both Crazy Calvin and Leroy at the same time. If a person becomes Leroy who is already Crazy Calvin, the title of Crazy Calvin and the case for the cd are passed along in counter-clockwise order.

    Everyone takes turn in a clockwise order being Leroy, the person in charge for the duration of 1 song. Some of the songs are extremely short, so this position can change fast. When the next song begins, Leroy has 5 seconds to name the song. If Leroy is correct, he or she is rewarded with two drinks that he can donate to any member of the party, including his or her self.

    If Leroy is incorrect, he or she must take a drink. It is also Crazy Calvin's duty to correct Leroy. Leroy must respond with "Oh yes, now I remember. This is my favorite song." If Leroy does not respond in that manner, he or she is penalized and has to take another drink. If Crazy Calvin fails to correct Leroy, he or she also must also take a drink.

    Communal Duties:

    • Every time a song with Gary singing comes on a cheers (pinkies out) must be done, and everyone must take a drink.
    • Every time "I Am All Done" comes on, everyone must finish their current glass or bottle or whatever. They can sing along as well if they like (we do).
    • Any time someone noticeably breaks wind, an auction begins. The person who offers to take the most drinks for themselves can hand the title of Crazy Calvin to whomever they please.
    • Any time a song mentioning smoking comes on, all of the smokers can pause the game to go outside for a cigarette. All of the non-smokers can steal all of the chips while they are gone.

    Leroy's Duties:

    • Leroy must attempt to name the current song, and Crazy Calvin must verify it. If Leroy is correct, he or she gets to dish out 2 drinks to anyone that is playing. If Leroy is incorrect, Leroy must take a drink and respond with "Oh yes, now I remember. This is my favorite song." If Leroy fails to do this, he or she must take another drink. (see overview).
    • For every 30 seconds of duration of the current song, Leroy gets to dish out a drink- watch out for "Fishing With Mr. Satan".
    • If Leroy correctly identified a song as a part of a series, Leroy gets to dish out that many extra drinks- watch out for "Stitches 12".
    • Any time a food item is mentioned in a song, Leroy gets to dish out a drink. Examples could be cheese, bean burritos, corn, potatoes, etc.
    • Any time drinks, drinking or alcohol is mentioned in a song, Leroy gets to dish out a drink. Examples could be fifty, dr. pepper, beer, aqua velva, etc.
    • Any time Captain Long John is mentioned in a song, Leroy gets to dish out a drink.
    • Any time Leroy is mentioned in a song, Leroy gets to dish out a drink.
    • If "Naith Lip Ance Hit" is the current song, Leroy must get up and do the best possible dancin' to that song. If it sucked, Leroy must drink. If it ruled, everyone takes a drink to celebrate.
    • If Leroy correctly identified the song as either a version of "Toothpaste (Tootpatsta)", or a song with Fifty in the title, Leroy gets to make a rule. Rules can be similar to games such as Three Man or King's Cross, but can also deal with The Blank Years- for example only being able to drink with your left hand during songs which have titles containing the letter E. Vendetta rules are frowned upon during the early stages of play, but are generally inevitable. Please note that there are 3 rule songs per cd.

    Crazy Calvin the Corn Boy's Duties:

    • Crazy Calvin must correct Leroy when Leroy is wrong in naming the song. Crazy Calvin is allowed to use both the cd case and the counter on the cd player to check Leroy's answer. If, for some reason, Crazy Calvin is not able to correct Leroy, Crazy Calvin must take a drink. (see overview).
    • Any time Crazy Calvin the Corn Boy is mentioned in a song Crazy Calvin gets to dish out a drink.
    • Any time the GMP is mentioned in a song, Crazy Calvin must take a drink.
    • Crazy Calvin is in charge of the case for the cd. Anytime someone feels the urge to sing along, they can borrow the cd insert from Crazy Calvin. Crazy Calvin must remember to ask for it back at the end of the song.
    • If a single disk cd player is being used, Crazy Calvin is encouraged to swap cds every 10 songs or so.
    • If "We're Beating Up Joey Jo Joe" comes on, Crazy Calvin must initiate a game of tag. The last person touched has to take 4 drinks.
    • Every time "Gamdler" or "Gampler" comes on, Crazy Calvin must pass on the title and cd case counter-clockwise and take a drink.

    Winning the Game:

    The first person to vomit or pass out sitting up wins. Gameplay continues until everyone has gone home.